Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Raam - Movie Review



Just when you thought that this movie was going to be the one, the one that would be different from all the other Tamil movies, the one that would break the mould, the one that would end the curse of the Tamil movie formula, you are totally, utterly let down yet again.

You are gripped by the start of the movie. There is a distinct Hollywood thriller feel to it. The location is misty and dark. The shots are crisp. The opening is a shocking aftermath of a gruesome murder. You grab on to your seat as you slide to the edge. Maybe, you tell yourself, this would be the movie that is going to show the world, that we too can make world-class quality movies and that we will not be the laughing stock of the movie world anymore with our five songs, two rapes and six fights formulae.

You are not disappointed for the first half hour. The viewer is taken on a dark, Sherlock Holmes whodunit. You ask yourself along with the movie, what happened to this kid, who looks normal enough, to make him snap and kill the woman lying in a pool of blood on the floor.

The makers of Raam slowly, inexorably lose control of the plot and the movie ends up being a confused hodge-podge of efforts to make the hero out as a mentally disturbed person with a very simple view of what is right and wrong. Too bad they could not maintain the taut screenplay of the initial half hour throughout.
This movie created a lot of expectation for Jeeva. Too bad for him that it backfired. He has shown unexpected depths to his acting that one would not have suspected from watching his efforts up to now.
Charanya as Raam's mother has done an outstanding job. It is amazing how she attracts such weird offbeat roles and aces them. She should keep doing such roles.

I would recommend seeing this movie once as a lesson for what not to do, if you want to make a different movie.

On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the worst and 10 being the best, I give this movie a 4.


I like Jeeva in this unconventional role. Although I did not like the story line, Jeeva should be commended for trying something new. He has definitively answered the question of whether he had any talent with a resounding YES!

Why should we resort to blood and gore violence to be different? Is there no other genre that can be tapped?

Anyway, this movie is worth watching once.

On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the worst and 10 being the best, I give this movie a 5.

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