Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Amirtham - Movie review



Although this movie feels like a documentary, it is sufficiently different from the run of the mill Tamil movie for us to sit up and take note.

There are some very good words of advice from the characters played by Girish Karnad and Rajeev. They have both done excellently.

This is one of those rare Tamil movies where everything is not about the love story and there is actually an issue here that is worth fighting for. The oil find in the village has the government wanting to relocate the population of the village. We have seen this happen time and again in real life, where rich corporations or governments want to move people out of their ancestral homes for various selfish reasons.

Navya Nair who plays the eponymous heroine is adequate in spite of her not so conventional facial features.

Ganesh who plays the hero, once again proves that one does not need any good looks to be a hero in the Tamil film industry.

Overall, a nice change of pace from masala. Can be seen once.

On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the worst and 10 being the best, I give this movie a 5.


I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Navya Nair is great. The story is different. In spite of the documentary feel to it the movie is definitely worth watching.

Once again, let us support filmmakers who do different movies and help create an environment where it is financially viable to do different movies, rather than loudly proclaiming the need for something different and then going out to see masala movies.

On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the worst and 10 being the best, I give this movie a 7.

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