Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Perfect Catch - Movie Review



Although, as a rule, I don't see chick flicks, I had an instinct about this one. So I bit the bullet and sat through it. And guess what? It was fantastic. The key factor in my loving the movie, was the way they dealt with the highly problematic issue of how men are fanatics about sports and whether this quality can come in between them and their perfect woman.

Jimmy Fallon plays the part of a high school teacher who lives and breathes the Boston Red Sox, brilliantly. He conveys the all consuming passion that a person can have for a sports team.

Drew Barrymore is adequate as the driven workaholic woman who deigns to date a school teacher. Her coterie of friends are yuppies with highly paid jobs or partners with the same.

The beautiful part in the movie come when Drew Barrymore realises that her passion and commitment to her work is similar to Jim Fallon's passion for the Boston Red Sox, and it would not be right for her to ask him to give up his team for her love.

On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the worst and 10 being the best, I give this movie a 7.


What were the filmmakers thinking, when they made a chick flick, which appealed to the guys? Obviously, about the box-office returns. But this will win them no love from the chicks.

It is ridiculous for Drew Barrymore to have to give up important meetings to be with Jim Fallon. Why does it always have to be the woman who gives up things to accommodate a relationship? When will it be the guy's turn?

On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the worst and 10 being the best, I give this movie a 3.

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